Land of Dragons
The world where the Disney film "Mulan" takes place. An invading force has teamed up with the Heartless in an attempt to invade China. Sora, Donald, and Goofy team up with their old friend, Mushu, and new friend, Mulan to fight it off.
Interactive Map
There are 21 total chests in this world.
Other Check
By default, there are 7 other checks--they are as follows:
- Encampment Heartless Fight (Popup)
- Finish the 'The Search' Mission (Popup)
- Arrive in the Village (Popup)
- Village Cave Heartless Fight (Bonus)
- Shan-Yu Fight (Bonus)
- Shan-Yu Fight (Popup)
- Storm Rider Fight (Popup)
If the Data Organization XIII checks are enabled, 1 additional check could be important:
- Data Xigbar (Popup)
- The summit fight is a great place to level Limit Form--especially if you have MP Rage equipped.
- It is possible to get in the throne room before the Shan Yu fight with the proper equipment and the following steps:
- Stand at the the top of the stairs, just before the cutscene trigger, and jump.
- At the peak of your jump, air dodge away from the cutscene trigger.
- At the top of that jump, enter master form and air dodge toward the cutscene trigger. You should be able to jump over it.
- While falling, spam fire to delay your fall as you move toward the palace door. If you don't have fire, reflect might work as well.
- Enter the palace cooridor while falling. You can now proceed to the throne room normally to access the chests there.
- Once you leave, walk up to the top of the stairs to continue the world normally.
- Mulan's Red Rocket Limit is useful and shouldn't be overlooked.