Beast's Castle
The world where the Disney film "Beauty and the Beast" takes place. Following the events of Kingdom Hearts 1, Beast and Belle have returned and are trying to live out peaceful days together. But Xaldin, an Organization XIII has different plans in mind. After all, the strong of heart tend to produce powerful nobodies, and Baxets would most certainly be a powerful ally for the Organization.
Interactive Map
There are 21 total chests in this world.
Other Checks
By default, there are 7 other checks--they are as follows:
- Thresholder Fight (Bonus)
- Dark Thorn Fight (Bonus)
- Dark Thorn Fight (Popup)
- Talk to Beast after the Rose is Stolen (Check 1) (Popup)
- Talk to Beast after the Rose is Stolen (Check 2) (Popup)
- Xaldin Fight (Bonus)
- Xaldin Fight (Check 1) (Popup)
If the Data Organization XIII checks are enabled, 1 additional check could be important:
- Data Xaldin Fight (Popup)
- The Heartless fight in the parlor is a good place to level Wisdom Form if you are lucky enough to get it before this point.
- Do not equip Combo Boosts during the minigame where you are trying to light the torches. If anything, negative combo is useful there.
- Beast's Limit is very powerful and definitely worth using--especially if you are low on other tools.