The world where the Disney film "The Little Mermaid" takes place. Following the adventure she had in Kingdom Hearts I, Ariel continues to yearn to see the outside world and her friends are reluctant to let her go. Sora, Donald, and Goofy want to help their freind follow their dreams and have some musical finny fun along the way.
Interactive Map
There are no chests in this world.
Other Checks
By default, there are 4 other checks--they are as follows:
- Complete the Tutorial (Popup)
- Defeat Ursula (Popup)
- Complete the Last Atlantica Song (Check 1) (Popup)
- Complete the Last Atlantica Song (Check 2) (Popup)
- Most randomizer players turn this world off because of one of the following:
- They don't like the music
- They are frustrated with timing issues that come with playing on an emulator
- Checks hidden behind magic can be frustrating to deal with