Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix

Rando Reports

Double Negative Combo Stunlock

General Description

This is a technique that allows Sora to stunlock certain ground-based bosses. It works by repeatedly jumping and attacking the boss with the standard aerial finisher (no additional aerial finishers equipped)---allowing no time for the boss to recover between attacks. If done correctly, the boss will continue to take hits until the health bar is completely depleted and will not be able to attack at all.


While this stunlock is relatively easy to perform, it is difficult to get both of the negative combos required to perform it as there are only two in the game. If both Negative Combo abilities are on different keyblades, this technique cannot be used as standard Sora cannot weild both and the Drive Forms that allow this have additional abilities that interfere. Also, while the technique is not difficult, it is slower than fighting the boss outright.



The Negative Combo Ability

Negative Combo is an ability that decreses the number of hits in a combo by 1. This is useful as it allows Sora to reach his finisher quicker than normal. As a standard combo has 3 hits, equipping two of these allow you to access your finisher immediately. This effect is canceled out by the Air Combo Plus ability (while Sora is in the air), so those must be turned off to access the finisher immediately. This ability can exist as a standalone ability or attached to a keyblade.

Aerial Finishers

While Aerial Finish and Magnet Splash are more powerful than the standard aerial finisher, neither can be used here as they take too long and will allow the enemy to recover. For this reason, if they have been obtained, they must be turned off for the stunlock to work.


In order to perform this stunlock, it is first necessary to stunlock the boss. This can be done with the aerial attack used in the combo, but other attacks work as well. Once the boss has been stunlocked, make sure you are locked on, jump in the air, and perform one aerial attack. With both Negative Combos on, Sora will immediately perform the standard aerial finisher and keep the boss in the stunlock. As soon as Sora hits the ground (or slightly before as inputs are buffered), jump again and repeat the process. Continue until the boss is defeated.

